Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Only In You That I Send My Love

We are together, we are in love
As you would still shine in my heart like a star
The longer every mile and flying from one place to another
A love that will wait another night
So tender and true which just to have a feel your smile 
Only in you that I send my love
I will dream of you forever and I promise with the moon

We are together, we are in love
As you and I are one happily
The earth lay cool and still are both the same
A love with soul of the colorful blossoming flowers,
So tender and true which has already turned into blue
Only in you that I wake up everyday
I will dream of you forever and I promise with the moon

We are together, we are in love
As winter tends to do for reasons strong enough with me
The snow for now is done the self-same thing
A love that I have found, It's a wonderful
So tender and true which no matter how far
Only in you that I see the times when winter comes
I will dream of you forever and I promise with the moon

We are together, we are in love
As you and I dreamed it would be
The longer that we stay apart
A love that I dreamed it would be then breezy little wind
So tender and true which only to behold your wonderful light
Only in you that I see the future, in dreams I have
I will dream of you forever and I promise with the moon
By : Hastin Nuraini
October 20, 2011
Malang- Indonesia
Dedicated to:
Prince Imran Abbas Naqvi

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